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Rakesh Saha
Jul 5, 202411 min read
Go to Inverloch if you don't want
a jam-packed holiday! Time visited: April 2024 Time spent: Two nights After nearly sixteen months, six of us - two families bonded by...
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Tupur Chakrabarty
May 10, 20245 min read
Devilbend: Enjoy the Magic!
Time visited: Mother's Day 2023 Time spent: Four hours There had been a drought of long walks due to the wet weather and we were...
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Tupur Chakrabarty
Apr 6, 20244 min read
Feeling 'at home' in an Airbnb
Do you remember this Airbnb advertisement from 2021 - strangers aren't that strange? When we first saw it, in 2022, our hearts melted. By...
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Tupur Chakrabarty
Mar 8, 20246 min read
Troubles That Make Us!
And there have been a few! But we're learning to embrace the bad and the ugly along with the good! Here are some of our top troubles...
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Sarzana Asif Jyoti
Feb 23, 20248 min read
Tassie Travels
Tasmania, the island state of Australia, which had always been on our wishlist albeit being a lower priority, finally made it to the top...
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Tupur Chakrabarty
Feb 9, 20244 min read
Daylesford 1.0
It was the 1st of July 2023. Despite being in the dead of winter and knowing that Daylesford was generally colder and wetter than...
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